About me

I am Leon Cassel (formerly known as David Nuñez). I adopted the persona of the White Mage in early 2019 at an FFTCG event. Since then I have traveled across the country made friends and thoroughly engrained myself in FFTCG. In 2019, I placed in the top cut of several crystal cups, also achieving top 4 in the Petite cup and the Petite cup championship. In that same year, I secured a spot in top 24 at that national championships as well as becoming the Meta Potion Champion. At the same time I started a Youtube channel, where I posted box openings. Square Enix was gracious enough to provide spoilers for the sets released at the time. I was also able to work as a judge for the 2019 World championships. I was able to work hand in hand with some of the best card players and some of the best card/game designers.

At the start of 2020, I was approached by the owner of culturedent.com about writing articles for FFTCG, alongside some friends. While that site is no longer up, the articles have been moved over to this one. During that year there was a major shift from playing in public to playing from home. I began running a webcam league to support the community known as the Cure Series. Each Cure series ended up taking about the same time as a set took to release. I singlehandedly ran 8 leagues, as well as spinning off to a Nightmare series for the Boss Battle format and the Esuna Series for the Title format. I was also the head judge for the World of Ruin Community Cup, which had over 100+ players.

When 2021 and 2022 rolled around, people were more comfortable with the idea of in person gaming. As such I was the Head judge for several fan made events, as well as officially supported "Reunion" events. When Official play resumed in 2023, I was the head judge for two of the six Materia Cups, as well as a consultant for an additional two Materia Cups.

Since then I have worked as head judge for 2024 Materia Cups and the National Championships. I have also started my own unofficial judge program in the absence of an official program to mentor and teach other players on how to perform professional tasks. This program has also led people to discover the joys of working as a judge as well as connecting people who have developed judge skills with the store and locations that need those people. With over 150+ members in the program, I am proud to keep helping the community.